A beginner’s Stress Relieving Breath

The breath is the language of your body. The breath is one of the most useful tools we have to settle our mind and relieve stress.  This advanced breathing technique is really quite simple and accessible to anyone, anywhere, any time.

It's called Square Breath.  It's super easy to remember how to do because you do it just the way it sounds.

The beginning breath ratio is 4 x 4 x 4 x 4.  

Easy right?  Start with a really deep breath in and just release it.  

Then seal your lips and:

  • breathe in through your nose for 4 counts

  • hold the inhale for 4 counts

  • exhale through your nose for 4 counts

  • hold the exhale of 4 counts

That's one round. In as little 5 rounds you can completely shift your mind towards more peaceful thoughts.  


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